Listen: Afternoon Kollel


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August 31, 2022|ד' אלול ה' אלפים תשפ"ב Atomic Habits: A Torah Take Episode

December 21, 2021|י"ז טבת ה' אלפים תשפ"ב People of the Book: The Rosh Runs to Spain Episode

March 8, 2021|כ"ד אדר ה' אלפים תשפ"א Is There a Mitzvah to Eat Matzah all 7 Days? (Part 1) Episode

February 22, 2021|י' אדר ה' אלפים תשפ"א Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail: Wills and Estates in Jewish Law (Part 6) Episode

February 15, 2021|ג' אדר ה' אלפים תשפ"א Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail: Wills and Estates in Jewish Law (Part 5) Episode

February 15, 2021|ג' אדר ה' אלפים תשפ"א Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail: Wills and Estates in Jewish Law (Part 4) Episode

February 1, 2021|י"ט שבט ה' אלפים תשפ"א Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail: Wills and Estates in Jewish Law (Part 3) Episode

January 18, 2021|ה' שבט ה' אלפים תשפ"א Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail: Wills and Estates in Jewish Law (Part 2) Episode

January 11, 2021|כ"ז טבת ה' אלפים תשפ"א Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail: Wills and Estates in Jewish Law (Part 1) Episode

January 4, 2021|כ' טבת ה' אלפים תשפ"א Mitzvah L'Kayeim Divrei Ha'Meis: Honored the Wishes of the Deceased Episode

December 14, 2020|כ"ח כסלו ה' אלפים תשפ"א Chanukah: The Holiday of Torah She'b'al Peh Episode

December 7, 2020|כ"א כסלו ה' אלפים תשפ"א Standing For Aseres Ha'Dibros (Part 3 of 3) Episode

November 30, 2020|י"ד כסלו ה' אלפים תשפ"א Standing For Aseres Ha'Dibros (Part 2) Episode

November 16, 2020|כ"ט חשון ה' אלפים תשפ"א Standing For Aseres Ha'Dibros (Part 1) Episode

November 9, 2020|כ"ב חשון ה' אלפים תשפ"א Why Do Some Stand For Torah Reading While Others Sit? Episode

November 2, 2020|ט"ו חשון ה' אלפים תשפ"א Hold Your Fire: Who and When Should the Ba'al Koreh be Corrected? Episode

October 26, 2020|ח' חשון ה' אלפים תשפ"א Torah Reading: Origin, Reasons, Who is Obligated and When Do We Need to Correct? (Part 2) Episode

October 19, 2020|א' חשון ה' אלפים תשפ"א Torah Reading: Origin, Reasons, Who is Obligated and When Do We Need to Correct? (Part 1) Episode

September 21, 2020|ג' תשרי ה' אלפים תשפ"א Pas Nisht: Being on our Best Behavior in Aseres Ymei Teshuva Episode

September 14, 2020|כ"ה אלול ה' אלפים תש"פ Talking Tashlich: Where Did it Come From and What is it About? Episode

September 7, 2020|י"ח אלול ה' אלפים תש"פ Silly Superstition or Real Omens: Eating Simanim on Rosh Hashana Episode

August 31, 2020|י"א אלול ה' אלפים תש"פ I Have a Confession to Make: The Role of Vidui in Growth and Repair Episode

July 27, 2020|ו' אב ה' אלפים תש"פ In Ruins or Redemption: Is Nachem Still Accurate? (Part 2 of 2) Episode

July 20, 2020|כ"ח תמוז ה' אלפים תש"פ In Ruins or Redemption: Is Nachem Still Accurate? Episode

July 6, 2020|י"ד תמוז ה' אלפים תש"פ Making of a Gadol: Origin of Bar and Bat Mitzvah (Part 2) Episode

July 6, 2020|י"ד תמוז ה' אלפים תש"פ Making of a Gadol: Origin of Bar and Bat Mitzvah (Part 2) Episode

June 30, 2020|ח' תמוז ה' אלפים תש"פ Making of a Gadol: Origin of Bar and Bat Mitzvah Episode

June 22, 2020|ל' סיון ה' אלפים תש"פ Too Hot or Too Cold: Who Controls the Thermostat (Part 2 of 2) Episode

June 16, 2020|כ"ד סיון ה' אלפים תש"פ Too Hot or Too Cold: Who Controls the Thermostat? (Part 1) Episode

June 8, 2020|ט"ז סיון ה' אלפים תש"פ Tefillin: One Mitzvah or Two? (Part 4) Episode

June 1, 2020|ט' סיון ה' אלפים תש"פ Tefillin: One Mitzvah or Two? (Part 3) Episode

June 1, 2020|ט' סיון ה' אלפים תש"פ Tefillin: One Mitzvah or Two? (Part 3) Episode

May 25, 2020|ב' סיון ה' אלפים תש"פ Tefillin: One Mitzvah or Two? (Part 2) Episode

May 18, 2020|כ"ד אייר ה' אלפים תש"פ Tefillin: One Mitzvah or Two? (Part 1) Episode

May 12, 2020|י"ח אייר ה' אלפים תש"פ The Role of Kabbalah in Halacha (Part 3) Episode

May 4, 2020|י' אייר ה' אלפים תש"פ The Role of Kabbalah in Halacha (Part 2) Episode

April 27, 2020|ג' אייר ה' אלפים תש"פ The Role of Kabbalah in Halacha (Part 1) Episode

April 24, 2018|ט' אייר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Kiddushin 33b: Is Riding in a Wheelchair Like Walking or Sitting? Episode

March 29, 2018|י"ג ניסן ה' אלפים תשע"ח Kiddushin 30b: Who Comes First – Honor Husband or Father? Episode

March 29, 2018|י"ג ניסן ה' אלפים תשע"ח KIddushin 32b: Hebrew in the Bathroom Episode

March 29, 2018|י"ג ניסן ה' אלפים תשע"ח Kiddushin 32b: Standing for the Elderly Non-Observant Episode

March 29, 2018|י"ג ניסן ה' אלפים תשע"ח Kiddushin 32b: Standing for a Bris, Funeral and Chupa Episode

March 5, 2018|י"ח אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Kiddushin 33a: Whom Do We Stand For? Episode

March 5, 2018|י"ח אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Kiddushin 32b: Standing to Honor Elderly and Wise Episode

March 5, 2018|י"ח אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Kiddushin 32b: Foregoing Honor Episode

March 5, 2018|י"ח אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Kiddushin 32a: Who Pays for Honoring Parents? Episode

March 5, 2018|י"ח אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Kiddushin 31a: Honoring Deceased Parents Episode

March 5, 2018|י"ח אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Kiddushin 31a: Making Aliyah Against Parental Objection Episode

March 5, 2018|י"ח אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Kiddushin 31a: How Far is Kibud Av V’eim? Episode

March 5, 2018|י"ח אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Kiddushin 31a: Metzuveh V’Oseh Episode

March 5, 2018|י"ח אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Kiddushin 31a: Halachos of Yarmulka Episode

March 5, 2018|י"ח אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Kiddushin 31a: Three Partners in Man Episode

March 5, 2018|י"ח אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Kiddushin 30b: Torah- the Antidote to the Yetzer Ha’rah Episode

March 5, 2018|י"ח אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Must a Convert Kasher and Toveil his or her Kosher Pots that were used Before Conversion? Episode

March 5, 2018|י"ח אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Kiddushin 30a: Sharp in Learning Episode

March 5, 2018|י"ח אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Kiddushin 30a: Parameters of Talmud Torah Episode

March 5, 2018|י"ח אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Kiddushin 30a: Why is it called Talmud Bavli? Episode

March 5, 2018|י"ח אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Kiddushin 30a: Do Grandparents Have to Pay Tuition? Episode

March 5, 2018|י"ח אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Kiddushin 29b: Is There a Mitzvah to Get Married? Episode

March 5, 2018|י"ח אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Kiddushin 29b: Delaying Marriage to Learn Torah Episode

February 16, 2018|א' אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Kiddushin 29b: Marriage vs. Learning Episode

February 16, 2018|א' אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Kiddushin 29a: Women and Torah Study Episode

February 16, 2018|א' אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Kiddushin 29a: Women and Talmud Torah Episode

February 16, 2018|א' אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Kiddushin 29a: How much must one spend on a mitzvah? Episode

February 16, 2018|א' אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Kiddushin 29a: Pidyon Haben on Father or Son? Episode

February 16, 2018|א' אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Kiddushin 29a: Zman Chiyuv and Zman Kiyum, Not Always the Same Episode

February 16, 2018|א' אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Kiddushin 29a: Mitzvos Aseh She’hazman Gerama Episode

February 16, 2018|א' אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Pesachim 118a: 4 Cups at the Seder Episode

February 16, 2018|א' אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Pesachim 117b: More Hallel Episode

February 16, 2018|א' אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Pesachim 117a: Simcha Episode

February 16, 2018|א' אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Pesachim 117a: Hallel Episode

February 16, 2018|א' אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Pesachim 116b: Shomei’ah k’oneh Episode

February 16, 2018|א' אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Pesachim 116 Episode

February 16, 2018|א' אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Pesachim 116: Rabban Gamliel Said… Episode

February 16, 2018|א' אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Pesachim 115a: Moving and Removing the Seder Plate and Matzahs Episode

February 16, 2018|א' אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Pesachim 115a: Zecher L’Mikdash Part 2 Episode

February 16, 2018|א' אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Pesachim 115a: Zecher L’Mikdash Part 1 Episode

February 16, 2018|א' אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Pesachim 115a: Korech and Soft Matzah Episode

February 16, 2018|א' אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Pesachim 115a: Mitzvos Mevatlos Zu es Zu- Korech Episode

February 16, 2018|א' אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Pesachim 114b: Kitniyos and Karpas Episode

February 16, 2018|א' אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Pesachim 114b: Mitzvos Tzrichos Kavana Episode

February 16, 2018|א' אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Pesachim 114a: Charoses Episode

February 16, 2018|א' אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Pesachim 114a Episode