Listen: Personal Growth and Spirituality


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September 6, 2023|כ' אלול ה' אלפים תשפ"ג Mastering Middos: Anger Management Episode

July 27, 2023|ט' אב ה' אלפים תשפ"ג Sit Down and Grow Up: Introduction to Eicha and Eicha 5783 Episode

July 18, 2022|י"ט תמוז ה' אלפים תשפ"ב Going from Hypercritical to Hypercomplimentary (17 Tammuz) Episode

February 1, 2022|ל' שבט ה' אלפים תשפ"ב Rosh Chodesh, Leap Year and Kaparas Pasha Episode

July 18, 2021|ט' אב ה' אלפים תשפ"א Let the Fire Burn All the Way Until Rosh Hashana - A Motzei Tisha B'Av Thought Episode

July 15, 2021|ו' אב ה' אלפים תשפ"א Isn't Hashem Amazing? Continuing the legacy of Brian Galbut z"l Episode

June 27, 2021|י"ז תמוז ה' אלפים תשפ"א Avoiding Machlokes: The Recipe for Rebuilding Episode

November 8, 2020|כ"א חשון ה' אלפים תשפ"א A Conversation with Chief Rabbi Dr. Warren Goldstein Episode

July 22, 2020|א' אב ה' אלפים תש"פ Loving Those We Don't Like: The Key to Redemption Episode

July 8, 2020|ט"ז תמוז ה' אלפים תש"פ Best Version of YOU (Part 1): Growth Mode, Not Survival Mode Episode

May 22, 2020|כ"ח אייר ה' אלפים תש"פ Are You Tuned In To the Frequency? 5 Reasons We Learn Torah Episode

May 6, 2020|י"ב אייר ה' אלפים תש"פ Being Your Best When Things Aren’t the Best (YU Sichas Mussar) Episode

May 1, 2020|ז' אייר ה' אלפים תש"פ When You Can’t be with Others, You Can Discover Who You Are Episode

March 25, 2020|כ"ט אדר ה' אלפים תש"פ Living With Seder When Nothing Feels B’Seder: Freedom Through Discipline Episode

March 19, 2020|כ"ג אדר ה' אלפים תש"פ Keva and Kavuah: The Critical Tools Necessary to Weather This Coronavirus Storm Episode

March 16, 2020|כ' אדר ה' אלפים תש"פ Crisis AND Opportunity: Turning Our Homes into Shuls and Batei Medrash Episode

March 6, 2020|י' אדר ה' אלפים תש"פ Defeating the Voice of Amalek in Us Through Effort and Toil in Torah Episode

March 6, 2020|י' אדר ה' אלפים תש"פ Practicing Hisbodedus: Learning to Savor Being Alone Episode

March 4, 2020|ח' אדר ה' אלפים תש"פ Recognizing the Chevra Kaddish: A Zayin Adar Tribute Episode

January 10, 2020|י"ג טבת ה' אלפים תש"פ Can You Fargin? Sharing in Other People’s Happiness Episode

January 3, 2020|ו' טבת ה' אלפים תש"פ Torah Is Food for the Soul: Remarks from the South Florida Siyum HaShas Episode

January 1, 2020|ד' טבת ה' אלפים תש"פ Suggestions & Strategies For Those Starting the Daf Yomi Episode

December 15, 2019|י"ז כסלו ה' אלפים תש"פ Living a Mindful and Meaningful Jewish Life Episode

December 15, 2019|י"ז כסלו ה' אלפים תש"פ “You Can Put Me in a Box When I am Dead” – Maintaining a Community of Nuance Episode

December 13, 2019|ט"ו כסלו ה' אלפים תש"פ Tamid B’Simcha: 3 Strategies to Living With Happiness Episode

December 13, 2019|ט"ו כסלו ה' אלפים תש"פ Becoming a Professional Jew: A Vision for Passionate Jewish Living Episode

December 4, 2019|ו' כסלו ה' אלפים תש"פ Honesty, Integrity, Work Ethic and Faith Episode

November 14, 2019|ט"ז חשון ה' אלפים תש"פ We Observe Thanksgiving Daily: Living with an Attitude of Gratitude Episode

September 24, 2019|כ"ד אלול ה' אלפים תשע"ט Stop Trying to Be Someone Else: A Guide to Being You Episode

September 18, 2019|י"ח אלול ה' אלפים תשע"ט Are We Bribing or Buying Off God? Why Should Giving Tzedaka Earn a Good Judgement? Episode

September 11, 2019|י"א אלול ה' אלפים תשע"ט A Torah Take on Leading an Essentialist Life: The Art of Saying No Episode

July 22, 2019|י"ט תמוז ה' אלפים תשע"ט Retracing Our Steps to Get Home: The Three Weeks Challenge Episode

May 1, 2019|כ"ו ניסן ה' אלפים תשע"ט After Pesach, We Don’t Slow Down, We Ramp Up: Why We Don’t Say Shehechiyanu on Counting Sefira Episode

March 18, 2019|י"א אדר ב' ה' אלפים תשע"ט Don’t Just Do Chesed, Be a Ba’al Chesed Episode

March 13, 2019|ו' אדר ב' ה' אלפים תשע"ט Is There a Mitzvah to Drink on Purim and if So, Why? Episode

March 13, 2019|ו' אדר ב' ה' אלפים תשע"ט Practice Extreme Ownership and Become Your Best Self Episode

February 25, 2019|כ' אדר א' ה' אלפים תשע"ט Acting Selfless in the Selfie Generation Episode

February 25, 2019|כ' אדר א' ה' אלפים תשע"ט Stop Pursuing Happiness and Finally Catch It Episode

February 25, 2019|כ' אדר א' ה' אלפים תשע"ט Revealing the Unique Sculpture Within: The Mission of Chinuch Episode

February 4, 2019|כ"ט שבט ה' אלפים תשע"ט The Unique Challenges of Prayer in Today’s World Episode

January 10, 2019|ד' שבט ה' אלפים תשע"ט The Exemption of Mitzvas Aseh She’hazeman Gerama: Why and When? Episode

January 10, 2019|ד' שבט ה' אלפים תשע"ט Happy New Year? Using and Celebrating the Secular Calendar in Halacha and Hashkafa Episode

December 27, 2018|י"ט טבת ה' אלפים תשע"ט Are You a Thermometer or a Thermostat: Using Mindfulness to Change the Temperature of our Lives Episode

December 12, 2018|ד' טבת ה' אלפים תשע"ט The Life & Legacy of the Piaseczno Rebbe, Rav Kalonymus Kalman Shapira Episode

December 12, 2018|ד' טבת ה' אלפים תשע"ט Why You Need Shabbos More Than Ever Episode

November 26, 2018|י"ח כסלו ה' אלפים תשע"ט Zeh Lo Chashuv: Reflecting on Tragedy to Calibrate Our Daily Perspectives Episode

October 4, 2018|כ"ה תשרי ה' אלפים תשע"ט Pushing the Voice of Negativity, Pessimism and Inferiority Off the Cliff and Revealing Our Best Selves Episode

September 5, 2018|כ"ה אלול ה' אלפים תשע"ח Remarks before Selichos: Don’t Regret Not Speaking to the King Episode

August 29, 2018|י"ח אלול ה' אלפים תשע"ח Breaking the Cycle – Controlling Our Anger and Improving Our Lives Episode

May 14, 2018|כ"ט אייר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Defining Our Mission Through Torah (Speech at OU Torah Convention at Citi Field) Episode

April 12, 2018|כ"ז ניסן ה' אלפים תשע"ח Lech Lecha: Find Yourself and Your Unique Mission Episode

April 12, 2018|כ"ז ניסן ה' אלפים תשע"ח Korach: The Anatomy of Machlokes and How to Dissolve It Episode

April 11, 2018|כ"ו ניסן ה' אלפים תשע"ח Chayei Sarah: Gamal/Gemillas Chesed- Doing Camel Kindness Episode

March 5, 2018|י"ח אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Keynote Address at Chabad of Boca Chag Ha’Semicha Episode

March 5, 2018|י"ח אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Jewish Music Unplugged: Understanding Popular Jewish Songs Episode

March 5, 2018|י"ח אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Why Learn Torah? Episode

March 5, 2018|י"ח אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Living in Jewish Time Must Mean Being Precise, Not Late Episode

March 5, 2018|י"ח אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Why are YOU here? Identifying YOUR Mission in Life Episode

March 5, 2018|י"ח אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Where is the Nechama if Nothing has Changed? It is in YOUR Hands and YOUR Heart Episode

March 5, 2018|י"ח אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח What to Do and Not Do to be a Good Friend to Someone in Crisis: Nosei B’ol Im Chaveiro Episode

March 5, 2018|י"ח אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח The Secret to a Life of Meaning and Purpose – Synthesis and Integration Episode

March 5, 2018|י"ח אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח The Prerequisite to being a Good Friend is the Capacity to Judge Others Favorably – Be Their Eliyahu Ha’Navi Episode

March 5, 2018|י"ח אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Overcome the “It’s Not Me” Syndrome and Believe Your Best is Yet to Come Episode

March 5, 2018|י"ח אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Five Ways Studying Torah Transforms Your Life Episode

March 5, 2018|י"ח אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Examining Spiritual Resistance During the Holocaust to Strengthen our Emunah Episode

March 5, 2018|י"ח אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Eternal Commitment Episode

March 5, 2018|י"ח אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Determinism vs. Free Will: Who is Really Calling the Shots in our Lives? Episode

March 5, 2018|י"ח אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח BRJE Presents: Is Happiness an Emotion or a Decision? Episode

March 5, 2018|י"ח אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Become the Best Version of Yourself (Part 2): Be Proactive, Not Reactive Episode

March 5, 2018|י"ח אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Become the Best Version of Yourself (Part 1): Build Margin in Your Life Episode

March 5, 2018|י"ח אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Ayin Hara: Force to be Reckoned With or Figment of Our Imagination? Episode